On the occasion of her exhibition at the Museum Fünf Kontinente, LEPI ARTS in Munich is showing a photographic dialogue with WITCHES IN EXILE and DARKLIGHT by artist Ann-Christine Woehrl.

The theme is isolation. The fundamental, recurring subject of Ann-Christine Woehrl's work. However, the perspective and approach of the two photo series could hardly be more different and thus illuminate the photographer's artistic spectrum.

Information on the pop-up exhibition HERE.
LEPI ARTS Pop-up Galerie
Ismaninger Str.3
81675 Munich
+49 152 079 501 46 I www.lepi-arts.com
24.04. - 26.07.2024
Opening hours:
Wed 14-18h, Thu-Fr 11-15h
and by appointment.
WITCHES IN EXILE at Museum Fünf Kontinente extended until June 2, 2024
Maximilianstrasse 42, 80538 Munich
Opening hours:
Tue - Sun 9.30- 17.30 h

In preparation of the exhibition...


Maximilianstraße 42 I 80538 MÜNCHEN
Opening hours: Tue–Sun, 9.30 am–5.30 pm

U4, U5 Lehel
S-Bahn Isartor
Tram 16 & 19 Maxmonument

further information: http://www.museum-fuenf-kontinente.de/

...an UPDATE on site

Text: Anja Pinter-Rawe

An important milestone has been reached: at the end of July this year the law against the persecution of witches has been passed by the Ghanaian parliament. The task now is to communicate and implement the law.

Ann-Christine Woehrl travelled to Ghana in October 2023 to get an up-to-date picture of the situation and to meet the women from her Witches in Exile portrait series.

In the capital Accra, she meets experts on the subject of witch-hunts, conducts numerous interviews and researches the press archives with the support of Ghanaian historian Gertrude Nkrumah.

From Accra, the journey then takes her to the Northern Region.

This is where the so-called witch camps are located This is where Ann-Christine Woehrl reunites with the women she portrayed for Witches in Exile between 2009 and 2013.

She is no longer the stranger she was back then, carrying a camera and asking questions.
Today she is a confidante who comes back to listen to these women as they share their experiences with her.

In cooperation with Simon Ngota, the founder of the Ghanaian NGO Witch-hunt Victims Empowerment Project, Ann-Christine Woehrl started the Witches in Exile project and has been drawing attention to the problem of witch-hunting in Ghana for over 10 years now with a large number of exhibitions and the publication of the photo book Witches in Exile.

The artist has made raising awareness of the stigmatisation of women worldwide, her personal concern. She tells the stories of the women and tries to generate support for the women with her work.

In the Northern Region, things have changed for some women. Thanks to the efforts of the NGO, some have been reintegrated into their communities. Safuna and her son no longer live in the so-called witch camp, but now live with her family.

While the political course is being reset in the capital Accra on the issue of witch-hunting, Banabas Dalabra is pushing ahead with Simon Ngota's work on the ground.

Under the new name Outcast Support Project, the NGO continues to campaign against witch hunts through education and persuasion and is helping to ensure that the new law does not remain a hollow phrase.

The current debate on this topic in Ghana is the reason for the exhibition at the Museum Fünf Kontinente

In this exhibition, Ann-Christine Woehrl complements her artistic position with current documentation of the situation in Ghana - in words, photographs and film.

Senam Okudzeto illustrates the socio-political context of the topic in her multimedia installation.

Our book WITCHES IN EXILE is on the SHORTLIST at the
Eiger Foundation African Photobook of the Year Awards.

The Leipzig Photobook Festival will showcase all 17 books selected from over 4000 submissions as the best photobooks of the year.

From 29-30 April 2023 at the GRASSI Museum für Angewandte Kunst ,Johannisplatz 5-11, 04103 Leipzig.

Programme flyer for download.

Ann-Christine Woehrl: Witches in Exile

Exhibition in the context of the Freiburg Film Forum at the Centre Culturel Français Freiburg
Vernissage: Thursday 20 April 2023, 19:00h
Welcome: Florence Dancoisne, CCF and Werner Kobe, Filmforum
Introduction: Ann-Christine Woehrl

Guided tour for school classes with Ann-Christine
Woehrl: Friday 21 April, 11:00 h

Our book WITCHES IN EXILE at the Frankfurt Book Fair, Hall 4.0, booth F20.

Traveling exhibition 21I22: The German Photo Book Award shows the winners of the competition at the Frankfurt Book Fair.

WITCHES IN EXILE has made it to the SHORTLIST of the German Fotobuchpreis.

SILVER in the category conceptual-artistic photo book.


Friday, July 8, 3 pm
Fondation Manuel-Rivera-Ortiz,
18 rue de la Calade, 13200 Arles, France

at KEHRER Publishing

Witches in Exile & Darklight

Photographs by Ann-Christine Woehrl

14. June - 14. July 2022
exhibition opening 14. July starting 18 h

Cyril Kazis
Bäumleingasse 9
CH-4051 Basel
+41 79 320 60 23

opening hours 
During the Photo Basel & Art Basel fair
14 June -19 June 2022: 17h - 20h and during the day by appointment.

20 June - 14 July 2022
The exhibition can be visited daily by appointment.

PRAXIS  I  Cyril Kazis I +41 79 320 60 23  I  art@praxisart.org
Ann-Christine Woehrl  I acw@ann-christine-woehrl.com

Saturday 18 June 2022  18 h I  PRAXIS

Friday 1 July 2022 18 h I  PRAXIS

The book Witches in Exile is available at Galerie PRAXIS and at Photo Basel at the ARTCO Gallery boot.

Hexenglaube - Witches in Exile & Daughters of Magic
Fotografien von Ann-Christine Woehrl und Johanna Maria Fritz

Präsentiert von ARTCO und LEPI Art

vom 10.September bis zum 10. Dezember 2021
LEPI Studio in den Spreestudios
Galerie und Showroom
Köpenicker Chaussee 4
10317 Berlin

Die Ausstellung kann täglich nach Absprache besichtigt werden

Ann-Christine Woehrl
Samstag, 13. November 2021
16 Uhr
Stand SE 16, Kehrer Verlag
Paris Photo, Grand Palais Ephemere, Avenue Pierre Loti, F-75007 Paris

Der Experte und Kurator Hans-Michael Koetzle
im Gespräch mit den Fotografinnen.
Samstag, 30. Oktober 2021
im LEPI Studio

ARTCO I  Simon Melchers I  simon@artco-ac.de
LEPI Art I Anja Pinter-Rawe I anja@witches-in-exile.art

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